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WHO information
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New Guide on palliative care services for people living with advanced cancer
Launched on the World Hospice and Palliative Care Day, 6 October 2007
Download full text [pdf 4.21Mb]
See the Note for the Media

WHO's fight against cancer: strategies that prevent, cure and care
Download the brochure [pdf 2.69Mb]
See the related presentation [pdf 3.38Mb]
Cancer control: knowledge into action
Series of six modules that provide practical advice on cancer control programmes
More information
Cervical cancer prevention though HPV vaccination
A report of a UNFPA/WHO Technical Consultation
More information
Comprehensive cervical cancer control
Provides comprehensive practical advice for health care providers
In English
In French
More publications

World Health Organization
Cancer Control Programme
Department of Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion (CHP)
Avenue Appia 20
CH - 1211 Geneva 27

Useful tools. These tools are part of the Planning module which was published in 2006.

1. Team Building [pdf 244kb]
2. Team building - Spanish [pdf 316kb]
3. Assessing partnerships [pdf 74kb]
4. Assessing partnerships - Spanish [pdf 80kb]
5. Web resources [pdf 321kb]
6. Web resources - Spanish [pdf 325kb]
7. Country interviews

Short video

This 2.5 minute video shows the challenges many countries face in preventing and treating cancer
through the story of Mariam, a girl diagnosed with bone cancer.